It’s crucial to be aware of the potential issues as more and more business including board meetings is conducted remotely. It doesn’t matter if it’s reducing participation or creating a secure meeting environment there are best practices that should be followed to ensure your next board meeting that is remote is as effective as you can.

The most difficult thing is to ensure that all board members are comfortable using the software to conduct virtual meetings. While most modern board management tools are user-friendly certain individuals might be struggling to adjust to the change. This transition can be eased by providing plenty of training prior to the meeting. It is also beneficial for participants to try the software prior to the meeting.

It is crucial that every participant can contribute to the agenda during the meeting. This keeps the conversation focused and stops it from straying into unproductive territory. It’s also helpful to have a facilitator that can keep track of the discussion and address any issues that arise.

In the final phase, it is important to close the meeting with an overview of what was discussed and the most important outcomes of the meeting. This will reinforce the most important lessons for your board members to ensure they are able to continue pushing forward the organization in the months between meetings. Also, it’s a good idea to ask for feedback at the conclusion of each meeting to ensure that everyone feels like their views were heard.