Cybersecurity is a complex task that requires efficient communication between all stakeholders throughout the company. Security managers must be able to give clear information on their progress, without getting bogged-down in technical details. But many cybersecurity reports are too technical detailed, lengthy, and difficult to understand to the average reader which hinders security teams from engaging in the clear communication regarding risks and security programs that is essential to avoiding security breaches and keeping the business secure.

While creating a cyber security report, it’s important to keep in mind that the principal audience isn’t the IT department, but the board of directors. In order to make the report more appealing to the board, it should focus on business risks, not technology.

If, for example, the report states that outdated software is responsible for the majority of the vulnerabilities that exist in the business It should also highlight the impact on the bottom line. It is also crucial to ensure that the report of security risks is easily understood by non-technical audiences, especially since regulatory compliance and framework alignement are becoming increasingly important issues for boards of many.

Fortunately, UpGuard offers a library of report templates which are optimized to meet the primary reporting requirements of the board and the senior management. These templates consolidate security performance data that are frequently requested by the board, such as vendor summary reports that outline the most important metrics, such as vulnerability management performance as well as the susceptibility of third-party attackers to attack and critical risk distribution, all of which are vital to creating an effective risk assessment and mitigation system. These reports can be instantly generated and exported as slide presentations eliminating the need for planning for board meetings and making it much easier to share the information with the entire board.